safety by nature depictionsafety by nature depiction

Contest For The Best Cartoon Characters Of Bacteriophages

6 years ago

We are looking for cartoon characters of bacteriophages. One example of such image is in the following video:

The new cartoon characters should not necessarily be based on that exact character; rather, any cartoon character of lytic bacteriophages (loosely based on the T4 phage type) that conveys friendliness and intelligence is of interest.

Open: through April 30, 2019

Prizes awarded by May 31, 2019

  • First prize: $1,000
  • Second prize: $500
  • Third prize: $250

Draft images should be e-mailed to Debbie Meyer at

  • Limit three images per person
  • Artwork should be original/unique and created by the entrant (i.e., their own original concept and not a copy of anyone else's work)
  • At least 150 dpi
  • Color images only
  • JPEG or TIFF format

Only professional-looking images will be considered, but both amateur and professional artists may apply. The images should be appropriate for all ages. Any images deemed to be offensive in nature will not be considered.

Winners will be expected to (1) re-submit their 2D images in the SVG format, or 3D models in the STL format, including all relevant source materials, and (2) sign over the rights to the images to Intralytix for any promotional and other uses with no limitation and solely at Intralytix's discretion. Delivered finished images will become property of Intralytix and may be copied, modified, and used at the Company sole discretion with no additional credits, royalties, or any other type of compensation to the author. These usage rights will be granted once complete payment has been made in full.

Intralytix reserves the right to cancel the contest at any time. We introduce this contest in good faith and expect the same good faith in return. Please note that we may withhold awards where we believe participants are acting in bad faith or otherwise acting contrary to the intent of this contest. We cannot cover every nefarious scenario, nor will we attempt to, but we do promise to be fair and reasonable.