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Intralytix Receives Additional Regulatory Approval For ListShield™ - Phage-Based Food Safety Product Effective Against Listeria monocytogenes

Jan 2015
10 years ago

Baltimore, Maryland, USA. - January 5, 2015 - Intralytix, Inc. announced today that its food safety product, ListShield™, has received GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) recognition from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). ListShield™ is now GRAS for direct application to fish and shellfish (including smoked varieties; e.g., smoked salmon), fresh and processed fruits, fresh and processed vegetables, and dairy products (including cheese). ListShield™ was previously approved by the FDA for use in meat and poultry products that met the ready-to-eat definition (21 CFR Part 172.785).

ListShield™ is an all-natural, non-chemical antimicrobial preparation for controlling the foodborne bacterial pathogen Listeria monocytogenes. The active ingredients of ListShield™ are naturally occurring lytic bacteriophages that selectively and specifically kill L. monocytogenes. ListShield™ is specifically designed for treating foods that are high risk for L. monocytogenes contamination.

For more information, contact Mr. John Woloszyn (410-625-3813 or or Dr. Alexander Sulakvelidze (410-625-2533 or