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Intralytix Awarded Patent by the European Patent Office for Novel Shigella Bacteriophages and their Uses

Oct 2023
1 years ago

Patent # EP3253215 - Novel Shigella bacteriophage and uses thereof.

Columbia, Maryland, USA. – October 9, 2023 – Intralytix, Inc. announced today that it has been issued a patent by the European Patent Office covering its Shigella bacteriophages and their various applications. The patent broadly relates to several bacteriophages with strong lytic potency against Shigella spp., and their various formulations. The patent also covers specific uses of these formulations, such as improving food safety and human health, including maintaining healthy gut microflora by modulating a mammal’s microbiome and by reducing colonization by Shigella or levels of Shigella in the gut.

Dr. Alexander "Sandro" Sulakvelidze, President & CEO of Intralytix.
Dr. Alexander Sulakvelidze, President and CEO of Intralytix and one of the inventors listed on the patent, commented “This patent dramatically expands protection previously granted by the USA patent # US-10711252-B2 with the same title, by now also covering 17 countries in Europe: Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, France, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia and Sweden, with issuance in 2 additional countries (Liechtenstein and Switzerland) expected momentarily.” Dr. Sulakvelidze added, “We are currently running Phase 1/2a clinical trials using our Shigella phage preparation at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore (NCT05182749). The trial is conducted under the auspices of the clinical trial grant from the NIAID, NIH (Project # 5U01AI148054-03). This patent extends our intellectual protection for that product and approach beyond the United States to include several European countries. We look forward to continuing our ongoing clinical trials using this patented technology, and to bringing our Shigella-targeting phage preparation to markets worldwide in the not-too-distant future.

About Intralytix Inc.

Intralytix, Inc. is a privately held company headquartered in Columbia, Maryland. The Company is focused on using its core bacteriophage technology platform to improve human health through the development and commercialization of innovative products for food safety, veterinary applications, human therapeutics, oral care, cosmetic, and dietary supplements/probiotic applications. Intralytix was the first company in the world to receive FDA-approval for a bacteriophage-based product for food safety applications. Intralytix is currently the sponsor of (and holder for) three FDA-approved Investigational New Drugs (INDs) for randomized, controlled clinical trials: (1) at the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York (NCT03808103); (2) at the Center for Vaccine Development at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore (NCT05182749); and (3) to target vancomycin-resistant Enterococci (VRE) in the gastrointestinal tract (NCT05715619). To learn more, please visit or contact Dr. Alexander “Sandro” Sulakvelidze (410-625-2533,